My kids started blogs today. In 4th grade, Landon will be making up & typing stories for part of his grade. They wrote some in 3rd grade & he wrote some really creative & funny stuff!
Part of my goal this summer is to get him more comfortable with typing. They did some in 2nd grade and since it was timed tests, it was excruciating! (We discovered recently he has processing issues--basically don't time the kid on things. So timed typing tests--not fun!)
So, he started a blog. Unwillingly, of course, because anything Landon doesn't want to do, we butt heads on. But by the time he was done, he decided it was fun. He enjoyed changing the fonts & styles & adding pictures.
Hopefully, he will write a post everyday or so and it will help get him ready for typing stories in 4th grade.
Here is a link to his blog: Lando's Blog
Since Savannah loves to learn and do all things her brother does, she wanted to write a blog too.
Notice how she's trying to type for real, not just finger poke the letters! :) Here is a link to her blog, I promise she really did write & type this all herself. Savy's Blog
I feel we have a lot of things to do this summer to get ready for 4th grade. My goal is to make it fun, but make some progress.
Praying these blogs will be part of that fun!!