Saturday, December 7, 2013

Snowman Crafts--Candy Dish & Burlap Ornament

Snowman Crafts
Snowman Candy Dish & Burlap Ornament

For the 3rd week of class, we made Candy dishes and a burlap ornament. 

There are several different pins on Pinterest for candy dishes made from small clay pots & glass bowls.  I pinned a couple and this is the best one.

Here are the ones we made.

I bought 4 inch clay pots and saucers at Lowes & Home Depot for 79 cents each.
To help class go smoothly and avoid sending home too much wet paint, I painted all the pots & saucers before class.  The pots took 3-4 coats of white spray paint. If I ever make these again, I would use a sealer on the pots first OR use a different brand of spray paint. I used the 97 cents Wal-mart stuff.
For the saucers, I painted half of them red and half black. They took 3 coats of paint. I had 3 sets of siblings in class, so I painted them different colors so the families would have slightly different ones.
I bought a bag of 12 wooden balls at Hobby Lobby for the lids. They are flat on one side and glued them on prior to class with E-6000 glue. I painted them white before gluing them on.

I cut scarves out of sheets of felt and eyes, nose, mouth and buttons out of vinyl.
The glass bowls came from the Dollar Tree.  They have 2 sizes--this was the bigger size--I think it was 4.5 inches.

Once in class, the kids put their faces & buttons on the snowmen. I helped them tie the scarf around the pot, then we glued the glass bowl on using 5-6000 glue.

We had extra time after making our ornament, so I let them paint their lids to make them their own.  They were once again very creative and most ended up not black or red at all!!

We also made a burlap ornament. I got the idea from an Etsy shop pin. I bought a half yard of burlap and had more than enough to make 15 ornaments (extras just in case).
I made a snowman shape with my Silhouette machine and cut white card stock to glue to the burlap. I felt like it needed a backing since the kids would be gluing things on the burlap.
I used spray adhesive to glue the burlap & card stock together, then trimmed the burlap around the shape.

The kids painted faces, glued on buttons, tied a string round the neck for a scarf.  We taped small twigs on the back for arms.

Needless to say, both projects turned out Super Cute!!

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