Today, I made Nutella Pop-tarts.
Super easy & yummy!!!
Store bought pie crust, square off the edges. Cut into rectangles the size of pop-tarts.
I added 2 tsp. of Nutella to each like the recipe called for. I think next time I will use a little more. You can never have to much Nutella :)
Spread the Nutella evenly around the center of the crust, leaving an edge all the way around.
Place the other rectangle on top of the Nutella rectangle and crimp edges all the way around with a fork.
Being that the crust is about the only thing I like about most pies, I didn't want to waste the rounded edges. So I spread some Nutella on those and made smaller pop-tarts.
Oven temperature should be set according to the package directions for the crust, which for mine was 450 degrees.
Bake for 8-10 minutes.
The recipe called for drizzling melted Nutella over the top before serving. We simply sprinkled powdered sugar on top. Extra Nutella never hurt anyone, so do what sounds yummiest to you.
These were very quick & easy. I will definitely make them again.
Dinner idea--Bubble up Pizza
One of the first dinner ideas I tried from my pins on Pinterest was Bubble up Pizza. I forgot to take a picture of mine tonight, but you can find the recipe here.
Canned biscuits, pizza sauce, cheese & your choice of pizza toppings. Easy and yummy. Try it & enjoy!!
It's one of our favorites.

(Picture from Pinterest, not mine)
Now go make some Pop-tarts!! You know you want to!!
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