Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 17--Updated plate

I got started on this project on Friday.  Worked on it yesterday in between being busy & lazy.  Sorry it's a day late. But technically, I did try 2 Pinterest ideas, so it's a 2 for 1 day.

 Here is my up-cycled chalkboard plate.

I pinned this idea from here. Once again, it's a good tutorial, so need to reinvent the entire wheel here.  Will just tell you what I did--what worked & what didn't.

I bought 2 of these plates on a Facebook Resale page for $5.  There are several of these pages in the Memphis area.  Unfortunately, they are as addicting as Pinterest...
It's like a yard sale on Facebook.

I bought Puffy Paint at Wal-mart for $1 and did this on the edges of the plate.

This is why I started it on Friday. I wanted to make sure the Puffy Paint was good & dry before continuing.

The tutorial says to spray this first with a plastic primer.  Too bad I didn't remember that while buying supplies. I decided to go ahead and try the project without taking this step.

I sprayed the plate with several coats of white spray paint. 

Can you see the puffy paint details around the edges?  Turned out cute!  Can you also see that a couple of the corners just did not want to let the spray paint cover them? This is probably where the primer would have helped.  Oh well, next time.  I do have another plate :)

The tutorial stopped at this point, using the plate as a display piece. (Obviously it's not safe for serving food.)  She did mention maybe painting the center with chalkboard paint. Sounded like a great idea to me!!  I just happen to have a pin about making your own chalkboard paint. 
Find it here.

The "recipe" calls for 1 cup paint mixed with 2 Tbs. powdered grout. I bought this grout at Lowe's for under $5.

I also bought an 8 oz bottle of black acrylic paint.  
8 oz = 1 cup, so just buy an 8 oz bottle.

This made a good amount of chalkboard paint, which is good because I have another pin planned where I will need more.

I painted the center of the plate.

Another reason why this post is a day late, I wanted to make sure the paint was good & dry before I tried to write on it with chalk. Worked great!

So there you go!  An up-cycled plate with a chalkboard paint center.   Not a difficult project, but will use primer next time.

If you have a project that calls for chalkboard paint, I recommend this recipe to make your own.  It works great!! You could use any color paint, too!

1 comment:

  1. Great job my dear. You're very talented.
