Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 21--Nutella Hot Chocolate & Taco Seasoning

I know, weird combo for a blog entry.  :)

Today was a busy day. Annual doctor's appointment followed by errands & lunch with Savannah & Nana. I was wishing I had saved yesterday's blog for today since it was such an easy post.  But I didn't so I had to figure out what to do for today. I have a couple of craft ideas coming up soon, but I needed something quick for today.

First, I tried printing on brown paper lunch bags. I had pinned a tutorial that seemed easy enough.  Turns out, it wasn't. The bag jammed in my printer.  Oh well...

So instead I made Nutella Hot Chocolate.

Of course, the pin did not lead to an actual link on how to make the hot chocolate. Luckily, someone had put the recipe in the description box.

You will need:
--small saucepan
-- 1 cup milk
--1-2 spoonfuls of Nutella (depends on how sweet you want your hot chocolate.)
--A whisk
--Mini marshmallows

Heat the saucepan over medium heat. Add the milk & Nutella. Whisk together. It doesn't take the Nutella long to melt. Continue whisking & heating. 
I heated about 3 minutes.
Pour in a mug, add marshmallows & enjoy!

It was DELICIOUS!! The only bad thing...since I made cookies, pop tarts & hot chocolate, we are nearly out of Nutella. :(

Taco Seasoning

Remember yesterday's post about how dinner was going to be Taco Cupcakes?  It helps to have taco seasoning when you are making these.  No need to panic...I remembered someone had pinned a recipe for homemade taco seasoning!
A quick search on Pinterest brought up several pins!

I decided to pin & make this recipe for taco seasoning.
Thankfully, I had all the ingredients needed!!
(Yes, that's right, I didn't have a packet of taco seasoning, but I had every other spice needed to make my own.)

I tripled the recipe so I have enough left over for next time!

If you need taco seasoning, I recommend making your own. The ingredients aren't anything unusual, you may have all the spices already too!

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